Definition of "Shit hitting the fan"
I found a website that offers definitions of this expression and I thought I would share.
General political and economic issues as well as urban planning and social issues
I found a website that offers definitions of this expression and I thought I would share.
To all you people making minimum payments on your maxed out credit cards. Wait till January when your payments now ae doubled. This will put a pinch on things next year and just in time for mid term elections. Nice move Frist the bankruptcy legislation near as I can tell has the most impact on high earners. People more inclined to vote gop.
I have been reading just about all the blogs concerning the housing bubble for the last 3 months and I have also been reading just about everything else related to the economy and housing on my customized google news page related to it as well. My conclusion is we are about to see the biggest darkest economic period of our lifetimes. Unless of course you lived through the great depression, but it may rival that as well.